The Obstacle.

One of my first memories was my Dad plopping me on the edge of the dock to fit me for the old wooden water skis.

“Just hold the tow rope in your hands,” he said.

And before I knew it, he was yelling for my uncle to “gun it” and the old outboard Mako that the tow rope was attached to went flying forward - lifting me off the dock onto the skis.

I didn’t last long. A tiny body above the water on two wood skis. Finding a sense of balance in an unbalanced world.

But I felt it. The rush, the wind, the cold water. And I was hooked.

Life gives you these moments; the unexpected, the path changing without warning. As a youth and teenager, trying to find my way in an unfamiliar world with cultural and societal standards trying to press you into a mold of belonging and fitting in, I tried to stay on the lit and well trodden path ahead of me.

It didn’t work for me - I couldn’t stay on the path.

I graduated with an undergrad degree in Spanish Education and began professionally teaching in elementary education. I realized shortly thereafter that wasn't my calling. 

I felt like I had failed, chosen the wrong path, wasted a lot of time and money.

I moved across the country to Wyoming, earned my Real Estate license and sold houses and ranches for a few years. I knew that wasn't my calling. 

I felt like I had failed, chosen the wrong path, wasted a lot of time and money.

When in fact that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

The truth is that the obstacle IS the path. Finding your own light IS the path.

A degree in education taught me connection, inclusive language, and learning methods - which together are a huge part of being a health care practitioner and things I integrate into training, operations, instruction as adjunct faculty, mentorship, and my work with clients. 

A stint in real estate taught me sales, entrepreneurship, business skills, contracts, personal relationship building and networking. All skills I use on a daily basis.

All my perceived "failures" led me to create the region's largest expertise pelvic health care company, have a stellar staff, and value the lessons life hands us.